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Waterfront Neighbourhood Centre

Waterfront Neighbourhood Centre


September 2017

We all have older people in our lives. The population is aging with 16% of seniors experiencing social isolation and 25% wishing for more social participation.

Social isolation is defined as a low quantity and quality of contact with others, and research shows that people who have a stronger social network live longer, and healthier lives than those who have a weaker social network.

Neighbour to Neighbour (N2N) 2.0 is a collaborative program funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF), and supported by four community agencies, including the Waterfront Neighbourhood Centre (WNC).

It’s a friendly visiting program for isolated older adults in Toronto’s downtown core. Participants are matched to volunteers and together they do fun and interesting things together!

If you want to stay connected or become a social connector, contact them and find out more at the Waterfront Neighbourhood Centre.


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