Building the Waterfront East LRT now -- Toronto's next transit priority
Toronto has an enormous opportunity to maximize the potential of the eastern waterfront and the Port Lands. The area is the biggest development opportunity in North America over the coming decades, with the Port Lands representing an area roughly the size of the existing downtown core.
Currently being flood-protected, the Port Lands will be ready for significant development by 2025. Ensuring the eastern waterfront and Port Lands reach their full potential for economic growth, housing opportunities, and climate benefits will depend on funding being committed for the Waterfront East LRT by all levels of government soon.
Design and engineering ready to go
The City of Toronto has long-term plans to develop a full Waterfront Transit Network that would extend east into the Port Lands, and west all the way to Long Branch at the Mississauga border. With all the development currently underway, the most urgent section of this Waterfront Transit Network is eastern portion that will connect through the revitalized Port Lands.
Currently, initial work is underway on the first phase of the Waterfront East LRT, running east from Union Station to the Port Lands at Cherry Street. This initial work is to reach 30% of the project’s design and engineering, making the project eligible for full funding consideration.
City of Toronto website: Waterfront East LRT Extension

Why we need the Waterfront East LRT right now
Economic development, recovery, and growth:
The Waterfront East LRT will maximize the potential for housing, jobs, public amenities, and cultural opportunities along the waterfront and through the Port Lands.
Affordable housing:
The potential for additional housing density in the Port Lands makes it the biggest opportunity in the country to develop affordable housing that is well-connected to downtown employment zones.
The waterfront’s development has led to several beautiful new parks and leisure opportunities for people across Toronto. Further development along the water, connected by public transit, allows the waterfront to truly become “Toronto’s backyard” for people from all across the city who are looking for more green space to enjoy.
Building Public Transit while the Port Lands are being developed, allows for transit connections to be in place before the neighborhood becomes dependent on private vehicles. Having the LRT in place as the Port Lands develop will increase development density, and demonstrate the foresight sustainable cities need in urban planning.
Economic Growth:
Tax revenue increase by 2045 with LRT in place by 2025:
$9 billion federal tax revenue
$3.8 billion provincial tax revenue
$10 billion municipal tax revenue
$22.8 billion total tax revenue uplift
Learn more in this Economic Impact Study
Housing Solutions
25,000+ new housing units along the LRT route from 2025-2045 accommodating 67,000+ residents.
Climate Solutions
Having transit in place first will decrease reliance on vehicles.
44% decrease in automobile use by incoming workers and residents with the LRT in place. 100 million fewer commuting hours, a productivity savings of $1.8
Additional Documents and Links:
Item at Executive Committee: EX33.2 Advancing City Priority Transit Expansion Projects
Support for the Waterfront East LRT
2021 Letter of support for Federal Government’s announcement for permanent public transit funding