Building the Waterfront LRT through the eastern waterfront and Port Lands is crucial for the continued development of Toronto as a world-class Waterfront City.
- Prepared by Hatch engineering and emphasizes the significant growth in jobs, housing and tax revenue if the LRT’s construction were accelerated through the Port Lands in the near-term.
- Toronto Star: ‘Delaying Waterfront LRT would cost billions in lost tax revenue, productivity,’ by Ben Spurr
2019 Waterfront Commuter Survey
- Summarizes commute distances, transit patterns and demographics of those working south of the Gardiner along the waterfront. Developed from a survey of those working here in 2019 and showing that more than one-third of those benefiting from waterfront employment are from outside the City of Toronto.
Letter of support for Federal Government’s announcement for permanent public transit funding (February 2021)
Letter to Minister Mulroney and Deputy Minister LeBlanc RE; Greater Golden Horseshoe Transportation Plan and the regional benefit of Waterfront LRT Expansion (September 2021) Accompanying Slide Deck (September 2021)