The Waterfront BIA takes pride in its cleaning programs, including the Clean Streets Team staff who work each week to keep the area as presentable as possible for visitors.
With the waterfront being on its way to becoming a world-class destination, Queens Quay is constantly undergoing construction for infrastructure upgrades and new development projects and we do our best to keep the streets clean. The Clean Streets Team oversees garbage removal, reporting of overflowing garbage bins, and the removal of graffiti, posters, wedding and addressing other on-street issues as they arise. There is daily coverage throughout the BIA’s boundaries during the warmer seasons and two days per week as the weather gets colder.
Our BIA also encourages and organizes cleaning days in the summer. Want to host a community clean-up? Contact us!
Our Clean Streets Team is made possible by a tremendous partnership between the Waterfront BIA and Progress Place, a mental health community centre dedicated to improving the lives of people living with mental illness. Unemployment rates are as high as 70-90% for people living with the most severe mental illnesses. Progress Place helps improve the employment status of people living with mental illness and we are extremely proud of our Cleans Streets Team and their hard work to help keep the neighbourhood desirable and clean.
For jobs that aren’t handled by our Clean Streets Team and require infrastructure improvement, we have an on-street reporting team that reports issues to 311 and other responsible entities. These on-street issues include items like potholes, large-scale graffiti, broken or deficient lighting and dead trees requiring replacement. The team is out multiple days per week through the full year.
You can also check out our resource library for more important information about the waterfront.