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Ice Breakers: ICEBOX

Photo Credit: Andy Barrow, SnapHappyExpat

February 2017

ICEBOX by Polymetis, HTO Park

The Canadian winter is a landscape of contrasts: between empty, blank whiteness and objects not fully shrouded in snow and ice; between the (more-or-less) static physical world we know and the temporal surfaces of frozen water that accumulate and dissipate over it; between being inside, in the warmth, and being outside, in the cold. ICEBOX seeks to manifest these contrasts and provide space for introspection, social interaction and shared appreciation of winter.

Artist Bio: Working at the intersection between traditional fields of architecture, landscape architecture, and sculpture each project is approached with an awareness of the influences that create our surrounding environment and how those forces may be constructed or controlled to reveal a familiar territory or space from an unusual perspective.

Polymetis’ site-specific projects focus on making and experimental production, blending manual and digital skills that inspire new fields of exploration, which is core to the work ethos. The aim is to create works that are thoughtful, engaging and beautiful.

Visit all five Ice Breakers installations from January 21 to February 26, 2017.

For more information about Ice Breakers, click here.

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